Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Oops, I forgot an important detail!

Figure with successive layers on the right leg.

One important detail I forgot to mention in my post about folds and wrinkles in clothing is this: the best effect comes from successive passes of diluted paint! If one looks at the right leg (to your left as your are looking at it), you'll see softer transitions between the shade color and the highlight color. If done well, it will look like a wash, but it isn't a wash.  It's just a judicious use of paint, thinner, and a finely pointed brush. What I do is dip the brush in thinner (with acrylic paint, that would obviously be water), then dip in paint, and then make brush strokes accordingly. For major areas of a 15mm figure, this would take about 10 minutes per figure, which is why this technique isn't for everyone. If you like the style, that's how it is achieved.  Happy painting!


Paulalba said...

Nice painting Mark!

Mark Case said...

Thanks. Like I said, it isn't for everyone. One has to be either really bored or have a dearth of gaming buddies, or both. Anything you want or need, just let me know, I probably know a link. Best to you!

Mark Case said...

P.s., I've put your blog URL on my blog, because our painting style is so similar. Nice stuff, Paul!

Paulalba said...

Thanks Mark,
I have added your link to my blog also. I tried to before but blogger was not having it.
same to you Mark, let me know if i can help with anything.